setting file position3 setting volume2 setting volume1 deleting directory deleting file setting file position2 not a valid Vise archive closing dest file rsrc fork opening dest file rsrc fork setting file information creating file writing buffer reading into buffer getting EOF allocating memory for SortData allocating memory for gPatterns allocating memory for Counts setting file position to start closing source file data fork opening source file data fork closing source file rsrc fork opening source file rsrc fork allocating memory for data copy getting file information allocating memory for size list allocating memory for resource list writing compressed resource modifying compressed resource copying compressed resource to original handle writing decompression resource adding decompression resource copying DITL resource in memory copying DITL size in memory loading DITL 128 copying duplicate list in memory copying resource size list in memory copying preloaded list in memory copying compression header in memory allocating memory for preloads saving CODE 0 modifying CODE 0 loading decompression code loading CODE 0 opening source resource fork reading self extract code opening resource fork closing segment setting file position to end writing data reading data allocating memory for segmenting writing of master header creation of output file deletion of output file Error exploding file Memory allocation error reading of master header setting file position.1 could not find the next segment of this archive writing file reading file setting file position getting file position Bad S-F code Error reading S-F tree Error building S-F tree writing out perf results getting volume creating directory setting volume PBGetCatInfo Hmm, could not find correct inaa resource Hmm, could not find correct inpk resource Hmm, could not find correct infa resource Hmm, could not find correct infs resource getting file info Error making specHdl closing of output file deleting of output file opening of output file MFS opening of output file HFS writing standalone code opening of output file getting catalog info getting volume info